Friday, February 21, 2020

A detailed analysis of the tactile sensory system examining the Essay

A detailed analysis of the tactile sensory system examining the neurosceince, praxis and sensory modulation in relation to Autism - Essay Example ASD, Autism spectrum disorders are enduring neurodevelopmental disorders described as impairments in these three areas of functioning: communication abilities; restricted, stereotyped or repetitive behaviour patterns; and social behavior. Most researchers concur that autism is originated by either abnormal organization within the central nervous system, irregular brain structure, or both. Due to the variation of symptoms, the wide variety in their severity and the functional deficits’ continuum, the term ASDs is now being utilized to report the disparity observed in these children (Wing, 1997). Although there had been several theoretical evidence regarding the causes of autism, nowadays, more specific knowledge is available for the neurological and genetic abnormalities that exist. It’s been proposed that a surplus of axons in particular regions of brain results in an over-connection of these regions. Yet, their connections to other regions of the brain seem to be fragile (Herbert, 2005). It seems to be a need of coordination among these areas of brain. This lack of synchronization seems to affect brain functioning. People with ASDs have trouble conveying dissimilar cognitive functions mutually in an organized way. They suffer from difficulties in organization and planning (Prior & Hoffman, 1990). Synchronizing volition with sensation and movement can be complicated for some. In autism every part of the brain appears to perform on its own (Just et al., 2004) thus lacking a coordination of information. The information related to the environment is interpreted through sensory systems. It can be explained as a process within the brain which arranges sensory experiences – sound (taste), touch, gravitational pull, body awareness, movement and sight – into collective information which is then utilized by the individuals in reacting to and learning about

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Exploring the Chess Discourse Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exploring the Chess Discourse Community - Essay Example From this paper, it is clear that  the Chess discourse community is comprised of people who have an interest in the game of chess. Chess is a board game that is played by two players who apply different strategies and tactics to beat the opponent. Each player starts with 16 different pieces of knights, rooks, bishops, pawns, a queen, and a king with the main objective being to capture the opponent’s king. The main issues of concern for the chess discourse community are ways to play chess and the opportunity to help each other in developing chess-playing skills. Members of the chess community aim at winning many games and rising to rank within the community.  According to the study findings, the discourse community undertakes the objective of organizing and facilitating chess tournaments between members in the group and chess communities in other institutions. Knowledge in the group constitutes information about ways to play chess. Knowledge is the community is created expe rimentally and through discussion. Members can learn new strategies and tactics by experimenting during games against other members. Members can also gain new knowledge through discussions and conversations with other members.  The chess discourse community utilizes a complex language in interactions between members. During chess tournaments between members, the common words exchanged between the players are â€Å"Checkmate†, â€Å"Check† and â€Å"Adjust†.